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Product Information
Product Name | Beurre Planta |
Brand | Beurre planta |
Ingredients List
Huiles végétales (colza, coco, tournesol, en proportions variables), eau, émulsifiants (lécithine, mono et diglycérides d'acides gras), sel (0,3%), acidifiant (acide citrique), arôme naturel, vitamines A et D,
Detailed Ingredients
- Huiles végétalesVeganVegetarian
- eauVeganVegetarian
- émulsifiants
- sel(0.3%)VeganVegetarian
- acidifiant
- arôme naturel
- vitaminesVeganVegetarian
- vitamine AVeganVegetarian
- vitamine D
ℹ️Ingredient Notice
Ingredient lists are provided by manufacturers and are subject to change. We recommend that you always check the product packaging for the most up-to-date ingredient information, especially if you have allergies or dietary restrictions.