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Product Information



Product NameApfelschorle, 60% Fruchtgehalt
BrandWiesgart, Wiesgart (Aldi)
Nutri-Score C
Nova Group 4
Eco-Score Unknown


Ingredients List

Apfelsaft aus Apfelsaftkonzentrat (60%), Wasser, Kohlensäure, natürliches Apfelaroma.

Detailed Ingredients

  • Apfelsaft aus Apfelsaftkonzentrat(60%)VeganVegetarian
  • WasserVeganVegetarian
  • KohlensäureVeganVegetarian
  • natürliches Apfelaroma

ℹ️Ingredient Notice

Ingredient lists are provided by manufacturers and are subject to change. We recommend that you always check the product packaging for the most up-to-date ingredient information, especially if you have allergies or dietary restrictions.