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Product Information
Product Name | Petites Madeleines |
Brand | St Michel |
Ingredients List
Farine de blé 34%, huile de colza, sucre, oeufs 14%, stabilisant : glycérol, sirop de glucose, lait frais demi-écrémé pasteurisé 5%, poudres à lever: carbonates et citrates de sodium (blé), sel, arome. Traces éventuelles de fruits à coque, soja.
Detailed Ingredients
- Farine de blé(34%)VeganVegetarian
- huile de colzaVeganVegetarian
- sucreVeganVegetarian
- oeufs(14%)Vegetarian
- stabilisant
- sirop de glucoseVeganVegetarian
- lait frais demi-écrémé(5%)Vegetarian
- poudres à lever
- citrates de sodiumVeganVegetarian
- selVeganVegetarian
- arome
ℹ️Ingredient Notice
Ingredient lists are provided by manufacturers and are subject to change. We recommend that you always check the product packaging for the most up-to-date ingredient information, especially if you have allergies or dietary restrictions.